Employment law advice

How many more employment contracts can you give an employee? How do you deal with holiday entitlements, absenteeism, and reintegration? These questions are all related to employment laws and regulations. That’s why you need a specialist who ensures that you can act timely and correctly.

How can we help?

Konings Maters’s employment lawyers advise you on the application of laws and regulations you’ll have to deal with when employing staff. They also provide legal assistance in labour law issues. It can be difficult to discover every relevant law or regulation on your own; plus, there’s a risk that the rules have changed in the meantime or that you didn’t correctly interpret or apply any information you found.

We like to give you a clear picture, so you know just how we can help. You can view our services related to employment law support in an overview below.

Advising and providing legal assistance (including during court proceedings) in:

  • individual and collective dismissals;
  • non-competition clause;
  • illness and disability;
  • reintegration;
  • changes to employment conditions;
  • reorganisations and mergers;
  • labour authority inspection matters;
  • holiday entitlements.

Explanation, advice, auditing, and drafting:

  • employment contracts;
  • competition clauses;
  • relation clauses;
  • confidentiality clauses;
  • probationary periods.

A free and non-committal introductory meeting

We would be happy to tell you more about Konings Maters, but we’re also interested in finding out what drives you as an entrepreneur. Let’s discover how we can support you.

The best way to get to know us is through a personal meeting.