Audit & Assurance

An audit of your annual accounts isn’t mandatory by default: the law determines whether your financial statements have to be audited. Does your company have a turnover of (over) 12 million euros? Or a balance sheet of over 6 million euros? Do you employ more than fifty people on a full-time basis? If you meet at least two of these criteria for two years, you’re required to have your company’s financial statements audited. Some companies and non-profit institutions choose to have their financial statements reviewed or audited voluntarily. Additionally, other (financial) statements, like subsidy checks or hiring statements, can also be audited. We group all of these activities and services under audit and assurance.

How can we help?

Whether you’re looking for a subsidy audit or an annual account audit, whether you’re a regional or an international player, Konings Maters’s audit & assurance practice can provide these audits and other statements. We use a personal and client-oriented approach and coordinate the audit with you as well as share our findings during the process to avoid any unwanted surprises.

You can rely on us for:

  • Audits
  • Reviewing assignments
  • Special investigations (due diligence, fraud investigations)
  • Subsidy audits

A free and non-committal introductory meeting

We would be happy to tell you more about Konings Maters, but we’re also interested in finding out what drives you as an entrepreneur. Let’s discover how we can support you.

The best way to get to know us is through a personal meeting.